Born and bred in England I spent the first 25 years of my life there.

For many years I worked as a practising arborist, professionally climbing trees on a daily basis, due to this I have a very good understanding of what physical performance and strain mean. After an accident and three knee operations, I have also unfortunately gained a lot of experience in terms of the meaning of physical limitation and disability.

The insights I gained of the physiotherapy during my rehabilitation fascinated me and indelibly shaped my career path.

These personal experiences as well as the various internships during my training and the five years of employment at the Döbling Private Clinic have equipped me with the tools to work as a successful therapist.

You and your body have all the work to do. I am here to support you and would love to accompany you along the road to recovery!

Curriculum vitae

Since 2021 Exclusively self-employed
2021 Physikalisches Therapiezentrum Wien 13, 1130 Wien
2020 Rehab Zentrum Tulln, Physikalisches Institut GmbH, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Since 2019 self-employed as Physiotherapist
2014 – 2019 Institut für physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation an der Privatklinik Döbling, 1190 Wien

Further training

09.2022 Orthopädische Atemtherapie
10.2021 Die Last auf den Schultern tragen
09.2021 Ursachen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der Harninkontinenz
05.2021 Hüftarthrose (Spiraldynamik)
04.2021 Schulterschluss Wissenschaft - Praxis
02.2021 Vorderes Kreuzband
02.2021 Anatomie des Schultergelenks
11.2020 Schulterworkshop
2020 Erste-Hilfe-Wiederbelebungskurs
2017 Wirbelsäulentherapie nach Dorn und Breuss
2017 Propriozeptives sensomotorisches Taping
2017 Sportmedizinischer Betreuer
2016 Tiefenmassage nach Marnitz
2016 Triggerpoint Therapie
2016 TCM – Schröpfen, Moxibustion und Gua Sha
2015 - 2016 Cranio Sacrale Therapie
2015 Sportmassage Klassisch
2014 Elektrotherapie